domingo, 26 de octubre de 2008

The Coach, The Teacher, The Father...

Some good advice from a mentor to his aprentice... a coach to one of this high school football players. And I must say, that he's not talking about sports, he is talking to a kid, a son for him, he's telling him the way he has to act to seek for a future, to face a situation, to buld his future around education... earning a Full Schollarship among his football skills, but at last... buildind a future for him and his family.

Listen to me carefully, like you've never done before...

Rember that game in the play-offs, the 4th quarter when you took over the game, you ruled it, and I said to myself, that kind is going to win this game, he's totally focused, play by play...

Right now, right here, God has placed you to do what you do best...

Now... Go On Your Way !!!

Coachy Taylor, FNL

This is one thing I like most about coaches, the metaphore, the are and they act, and most important, if they're good enough, they are seen as a Father by their players... When you play some sport, you teach are shaping up your yourself in many way, not only physically...

For thouse who had played a sport this way, they know what I mean... don`t you ???

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