jueves, 30 de octubre de 2008

Memories are made of this...

Some research about memories I would like to share with you all...

For years scientists have told a story that goes roughly like this:

When we experience something - say riding a bicycle for the first time - a network of neurons in the brain are activated. Then, later on, when we recall that first experience, that same network, or something like it, is activated again.

But we also can see it this way... because the same assosiation of the neurons network it's never the same, it plays with our brain, and can get us into trouble sometimes... so we can call our memories sort of a rumor...

The word rumour captures an aspect of memory perfectly. When we delve backwards, moments never return in their original clarity; they return as rumours of the original event. Faces have been switched, names deleted, words edited - sometimes it's as though we weren't even there.

"Memory itself is an internal rumour."
--George Santayana

Psychologists have found that right from the moment an event occurs, is laid down in memory (or not), to the moment we try to retrieve it (or can't), our minds are fallible.
... just like rumors...

If you want to know more deep about this topic... continue your reading, go to this good article from PsyBlog !!!
  • How quickly do we forget?
  • When and how are memories warped?
  • What biases act on our memory?
  • Why is it sometimes impossible to forget?

Source: PsyBlog

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