viernes, 15 de agosto de 2008

Want to know what racism is... ???

Just got back from my hollydays and I read the news something about spanish people beeing rascist becouse of a stupid simple picture taken as a promotional ad of the national Basketball Team...

Hey Got Something to say bout it...

Dictionary Definition of Rascim:

"Racism is prejudice or discrimination based on the belief that race is the primary factor determining human traits and abilities. Racism includes the belief that genetic or inherited differences produce the inherent superiority or inferiority of one race over another..."

Want to know what rascism is... ???

You better ask your self before speaking out stupid things like this...:

1. Look at the picture taken in Japan 2004 World Championship Medal Ceremony, where the Americans did this offensive salute to the "japaneese" people just bucause they weren't capable of winning in the court that had to be stars outside.

Theese three stupid guys that use to call them self as"Stars"... there are a lot more things about been a star than beeing a good basketball player... been a model for the kids, not taking drugs, beein a good student...etc...

Back in 1990 when the 1st war against Irak, I even remember "Sir Charles Barckley" wearing a cap that said... "Fuck Irak"...

2. Where do the NBA players live while in Beijiin 2008, in the "olimpic villa" ... ??? Of course not...

By the way, do they take'em "dopping control test" ???... of course not, they are made of a superior race that if they want them to be honored by the USA players to play in the olimpics tournament, they are free of theese kind of test. Since 1992 in Barcelona Olimpcics where the "Dream Team" made everybody dream inside and outside the court, and "wow" their game, because they where so good, unstopable and charismatic players...

this is the best team ever...

... but I would have loved to see Karl Malone or Lebron James taking a "Dopping Blood Test"... guess what the results would say... ??? Why don't you just take it... are you afraid of something... ???

3. Remember the rap video of "Carmelo" singing with drug dealers... ??? Sorry I cant find it on the net, but...

Here is another video that shows how truly and deeply proud this "man" is, talking about his so called "bronce big penny" - Bronce Medal... remember the pic above ???

Proudly Honoring his medal... ??? go fool your readers because you have to fill in the sports page of you paper with some patriotic statement all because you can't print you were the Champs... no... you won't fool me...

4. Remember many rasicm issues of police in the streets, specially in Los Angeles (What did you say about it LA Times ???) ... only one example... "the latest one": 15 Philly Cops beating up 3 black-people... of course they ware using brutal force against theese guys to protect themselves... ii was absolutly necessary.

5. No much words to say about it... but remembering the man who was killed in April 4th, 1968... I was not so long time ago...

6. Finally one thing i remember in first person... i lived it my self back in 1989 in Churchill High School... San Antonio Texas... when this guy, "coach" Murphy (coach... ???), said to me... three weeks after me getting to the states to join my USA Experience...
"Forget about playing in the varsity team. You can't play basketball, you are SPANISH... go to mexico where you belong... I don't even know why you have heazel eyes... SPANIARD"...

see anything racist in this... ??? neither do I... by the way, some geography lessons would be good here but that's a whole different story... the lesson i learned: is that i played basketball...

Who is the rascist now... ???

not me,
not all of spanish people,
not all americans are...

Of course there exist rascism in spain, and all of the countries of the world, in all kinds of society, in all types of enviroments, its a human beeing fact, it's unfortunate, a lamentable thing, but thats life and what we all should do is try to avoid doing such things, and raise our children with clean and equality thougths and values... teach them how to live in peace, justice and equality... love and family values... and also teach'em to throw love around instead of hate...

... but this kind of things are
what make the world hate sometimes americam society, american people... it makes you think that they thing "they are made of a special glass or something..."

Hey "The Gardian"... Just shut up and
live your own life... as the beattles said... live and let live, no one feels harmed by this pic, not even the chineese government...

PS: I not saying anything in this post about the english paper that iniciated the debate... because anyone in the whole world can teach other about rascism, I said anyone, but the English.... remember when you were the empire that used to rule the world... ??? remeber how you treated slaves, india, africa, even america... ??? Shsssssssssssssss, just shut up...or should I use a more "sutatble english sentence".... "Be Quiet please"... jaaaaaaaa

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